Friday, May 30, 2008
Labels: Birds, Clouds, Dahlia, Flowers, Fruits, Greenery, Nature, Paddy Fields, Rivers, Sky, Tulips, Tulips Garden, Wild Rose, Yellow Beauty
Labels: Flowers, Fruits, Garden, Nature, Paddy Fields, Rivers, Rose, Tulips, Tulips Garden, Yellow Beauty
Labels: Apple, Birds, Flowers, Fruits, Nature, Paddy Fields, Rivers, Rose, Strawberry, Super Shots, Yellow Beauty
Let me first put a shot of yellow beauty for you :) Put your comments and look for the next photo :)
Labels: Dahlia, Flowers, Garden, Nature, Rivers, Rose, Sky, Super Shots, Yellow Beauty
Let me start my photo blog Super Shots - I have a passion for taking photos of flowers, nature, rivers, clouds, paddy fields............
Whenever I get time I take photos. Have a look at these...